Today we drove to Knoxville where Terry's parents live. They will be keeping our sons Caleb and Noah while we're in China. Next to Panasonic, they deserve the biggest thanks for making this trip possible.
Today was a whirlwind of packing and housecleaning, but now we are enjoying a relaxing evening of watching the Olympics on TV - still in disbelief that we will be sitting in the stands ourselves in just two days!
We leave at 10 am tomorrow and fly first to Chicago, then to Japan and then to Beijing. Nathan does not ever remember being in a plane, so we're hoping for a window seat for him.
Rebecca and I don't dread the long flight at all - it's a good excuse to spend lots of time reading! Terry and Nathan don't share our love for reading, and I'm not sure how many games of travel chess they can play without going crazy.
Lord willing, the next time we update our blog, we will be in China!
We can't wait to read about your adventures in China!
I have been keeping up with your posts and rejoicing with you for this great opportunity. It is all so impressive and although you would likely deny it, you all are a very deserving family. God has truly honored your dependance on Him in so many ways and this gift must truly be from His hands too.
Enjoy yourselves!!!!!!!
Blessings and prayers,
Angie Rice
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